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My Daily Routine as a Remote Worker Living with Depression

Living Well

May 07, 2024

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Photography courtesy of Sam Camp

Photography courtesy of Sam Camp

by Sam Camp


Medically Reviewed by:

Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI


by Sam Camp


Medically Reviewed by:

Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI


Here’s what a typical day looks like for your Bezzy Depression Community Guide, Sam. Included are some of her favorite tips that help her feel her best.

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8:00 AM

Photography courtesy of Sam Camp

I like to give myself one goal when I wake up, and that’s taking my ice bath!

In the past, I’ve woken up and forced myself back to sleep because of my depression and anxiety. Giving myself this task helps me get out of bed on hard days and leaves me feeling super motivated after.

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8:30 AM

Photography courtesy of Sam Camp

Next I eat my breakfast and drink a glass of water. I make this a MUST in the morning, even when I’m not hungry or thirsty.

I feel like my mind is all over the place all the time and I often forget to eat and drink throughout the day. So making sure I do this helps me get off to a good start.

9:00 AM

Photography courtesy of Sam Camp

Sitting next to a window with light and writing in my journal is next. Most days are quick journal entries and I write a couple of positive affirmations down. Adding this to my routine has just helped me create structure!

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11:00 AM

Photography courtesy of Sam Camp

I try to get some movement in. If I can make it to the gym, it’s great, but if not I try not to beat myself up.

Taking a walk with my dog Ody is also how I get movement in, and I know he loves it so much! I caught this cool picture of him playing with his ball before we went on our walk!

12:00 PM

Photography courtesy of Sam Camp

I usually leave the middle of my day open for work obligations. Some days I work from home and other days I work at a restaurant. Today I was working from home so I set up my iPad and tried to make a nice space for myself.

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6:00 PM

Photography courtesy of Sam Camp

I always make myself dinner with my air fryer! It’s easy for me to use especially when I’m having a hard day! Tonight I made some sweet potato nuggets!

7:00 PM

Photography courtesy of Sam Camp

Time for my medication and vitamins. I got this cute medication and vitamin container from the store and it keeps me organized and reminds me to take my medication and vitamins at night!

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9:00 PM

Photography courtesy of Sam Camp

I end the day by trying my best to unplug and stay off my phone. I like to light a candle and read a book!

The takeaway

Taking the time to identify what makes your days easier and more enjoyable is a worthwhile step.

For me, having a routine helps me make sure I’m doing what I need to do for my job and my well-being.

Medically reviewed on May 07, 2024

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About the author

Sam Camp

Sam is a mental health advocate and has been the Bezzy Depression guide since 2022. She hosts live chats in the community forums every Monday through Thursday. She strives to make others feel like they aren’t alone in their mental health journey. You can find her on Instagram.

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